RAGB is specialized in Regulatory Intelligence with Inmetro, MAPA, and ANVISA, thus conferring licenses, authorizations, product registration, among other services in a faster and safer way. Our rule is to facilitate bureaucratic language by establishing effective communication between companies and regulatory system, providing a convenient service that saves time as well as money. In addition, our support to international companies is given in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
For the domestic market, it is no different. Our specialists in Regulatory Services have enormous expertise in obtaining licenses, authorizations, product registration, certifications of Good Practices, among others with the Brazilian regulatory agencies Inmetro, MAPA and ANVISA.

Why invest in Brazil?

Currently, Brazil has more than 200 million inhabitants. In addition to a large consumer public, there are vast natural resources and great opportunities for foreign companies that want to install or market their products in Brazilian territory. Therefore, it is an excellent option for investors.